One of the common issues preventing new publishers from getting Google AdSense approval is “low-value content.”
When you search on the internet, you will find different views about this term.
Some people mistakenly believe that this refers to the number of posts your site has.
Others believe that your content is already discussed on well-established sitea.
But what is the truth about “low-value content?”
Interestingly, low-value doesn’t refer to the number of posts your site has nor doesn’t mean that your content is already discussed on well-established sites.
Well, low-value content simply means that your content is not valuable to your readers.
Hence, the quality and relevance of the content matter most, not the quantity or frequency of the topic.
For instance, our content is about birds, and here is an example: “The birds are flying.”
To make this more valuable to the readers, you need to add more details that are relevant to your audience.
Hence, to make this content more valuable, we can add more details, like: “The birds are flying across the clear blue sky, signaling the arrival of spring.”
And this is what low-value content means.
Now, how can we fix this issue?
This guideline will help you fix your site’s issue about low-value content.
Creating “original and high-quality content” is one of the most important things to do to avoid low-value content.
But what does this mean?
Original and high-quality content mean that your content is new and valuable your audience.
Like the example above, to make your content more valuable, you need to add more details on it.
Also, make sure that your content is engaging and solve your audiences’ problem.
To make it more engaging, make sure to incorporate your content with media or visuals such as relevant images, infographics, etc.
Furthermore, make sure that content is free from plagiarism.
You can use a tool like SmallSEOTools to check the authenticity and originality of your content.
But there are times when the result is not completely free from plagiarism.
Well, this is entirely okay, but make sure that 85% of your content is original and written solely by you.
And more importantly, avoid copying content from other website so as scraping it as it violates Google AdSense policy.
Written communication is very important in blogging because this is your way to communicate with your audience.
Well-constructed sentences will help readers better understand what you want to convey to them.
So, checking your grammar and spelling is very important before publishing a post online.
If you’re unsure about your grammar, you can use Grammarly or any AI software online to correct it.
Specifically, Google AdSense does not have a specific number of posts nor word limit.
However, to make your content more valuable, you need to write at least 10 to 15 posts with 500 to 1000 words each.
Also, if your content is in a category, make sure that each category has at least 6 posts to avoid low-value content.
Getting Google AdSense approval nowadays is not as easy as it was before.
However, following the above suggestions will help you not only fix ‘low-value content’ but also increase your chances of getting approval.