Google AdSense Issue: How to Fix Your Site is Not Ready to Show Ads 2025

Google AdSense Issue: Your Site is Not Ready to Show Ads

Getting Google AdSense approval is not that easy as what other people think.

In fact, a lot of new publishers are facing rejection or disapproval from AdSense.

And one of the common issues of disapproval from Google AdSense is: “Your Site is Not Ready to Show Ads.”

Upon receiving this message, you may start wondering what’s wrong with your site, right?

But don’t worry because, in this article, we will explore the roots or causes of this issue and how to fix them.

Your Site is Not Ready to Show Ads

If you received this kind of issue from AdSense, it means that there is something wrong with your website.

Generally, this issue occurs when your site has any of the following:

  • missing or incomplete ad code
  • unreachable
  • not enough content and non user-friendly site
  • policy violation

Here, we will discuss them one by one and explain how to fix these issues.

Google AdSense

How to Fix Your Site is Not Ready to Show Ads

1. Your ad code is missing or incomplete

This issue refers to the ad code that Google AdSense wants you to copy and paste into the <head></head> tag of your site.

Therefore, if you fail to place this ad code in the proper location, AdSense will deny your site.

So, to fix this issue, make sure that this ad code is inside the <head></head> tag of your site.

For example, if you are using WordPress CMS, you can paste the code inside the <head></head> tag of your WordPress site in two easiest ways:

  1. Install the WPCode plugin and paste the ad code in the header.
  2. Or, go to Appearance in your WordPress site > Theme File Editor > header.php and look for the <head> tag then, paste it between the HTML <head></head> tag.
  3. Lastly, click Save Changes.

But, if you are using Blogger CMS, just follow the steps below.

  1. Go to your Theme
  2. Click the arrow in the right side of Customize then click Edit HTML.
  3. Then, look for the <head> tag and paste the code below that line to ensure that your ad code is inside the <head></head> tag.
  4. Lastly, click the floppy disk icon to Save.

Once done, you may submit your site for re-review.

However, it is better to check other causes of this issue before reapplying to ensure that you have fixed it.

2. Your site is unreachable

This issue means that your site is not live or unreachable when Google specialists tries to review your site.

This could be:

  • incorrect website URL
  • site is password protected
  • blocking AdSense crawler
  • invalid SSL Certificate

Follow the steps below to fix this issue.

Correct website URL

One of the reasons why this happens is that your site has an invalid URL.

So, make sure that the URL you provided to AdSense for review is the correct domain name.

If not, remove the incorrect URL and click ‘Add a new site’ with the correct URL for your site.

Site is password protected

Ensure that your site is not password protected so that AdSense team can check your content during the review.

Blocking AdSense crawler

Make sure that your site is not blocking AdSense crawler to access your site.

When this happen, they can’t check your site for review.

So, to fix this, follow the guide here on how to fix AdSense crawler issues.

Site has invalid SSL Certificate

Check whether your site is using a valid SSL Certificate.

Generally, this is a security protocol that all website owners need to install on their website to protect and encrypt communication between your site and user’s browser.

But, if you don’t have a valid SSL certificate, you can get one for free at Cloudflare.


Before reapplying, make sure that your site is live and not under maintenance.

You can use sites such as Site24x7 or IsItDownRightNow to check if your site is live and accessible on the World Wide Web.

Following these steps will help you fix this issue.

3. Your site doesn’t have enough content or provide a good user experience

Another reason why your site is not ready to show ads is that it doesn’t have enough content or is not user-friendly.

Your site doesn’t have enough content

This means that your site does not have enough posts.

While there is no specific posts requirement, a blog with 10 or 15 posts is a good practice before applying to Google AdSense.

Also, make sure that your content is high-quality and is valuable to your readers.

Provide a good user experience

When applying to AdSense, make sure that your site is easy to navigate and don’t have disruptive ads from other ad network.

Policy Violation

This issue is usually to approved publishers.

However, if none of the above issues is involved with your site, this means that your site has policy violation.

Some of the common policy violations include:

Content policy issue which means your site may contain adult content, violent, illegal, or copyrighted.

Low-quality content which refers to thin content, a duplicated one, or even a scraped content from other website.

Missing Privacy Policy which means that your site don’t have essential pages such as Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, About Us, and Contact Us.

Wrapping Up

Getting Google AdSense approval can be tricky, especially if you receive the message ‘Your Site is Not Ready to Show Ads.’

However, following the given solutions in this article will help you resolve the issue.


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